Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

Dental Fillings vs. Crowns - Which Is the Right Choice for You?

Sep 2, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Dental Fillings Dental Crowns

If you have a dental cavity, fracture, or an otherwise injured tooth, you may be wondering if a dental filling or crown is the appropriate treatment option. Both of these restorative dentistry treatments effectively restore the health and appearance of damaged teeth. However, there are many differences between the two procedures, including the degree of damage that they can treat and the manner in which the treatments are performed. At Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney, Dr. John M Pinnix IV and Dr. George A. Betancourt can examine your mouth and review your x-rays to determine if a dental filling or crown is best suited to your needs. To learn more about dental fillings vs. crowns, read on, and then contact our Charlotte, NC practice to find out which treatment is right for you.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are the more conservative treatment option. Whenever possible, we will restore your tooth with a filling, as this treatment reserves more of your natural tooth structure.


Candidates for a dental filling include those with:

Dental Materials

At Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney, we use tooth-colored fillings, which are made of a composite resin material. This material can be tinted to match the shade of the surrounding tooth structure for a seamless and natural appearance.

The Procedure

The dental filling treatment process can be completed in a single dental appointment. To begin treatment, we will administer local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. Then we will remove any diseased or infected tooth structure.

Next, we will fill in any cavities, cracks, or chips with the composite resin. This involves the application and shaping of the resin material, and then the hardening of the resin with a special light. Additional layers of the composite resin can be added to completely fill any cavities and restore proper bite alignment. When the tooth has been filled, the bite is refined and the tooth is polished, completing treatment.

Dental Crowns

If a dental filling will not provide the tooth with the strength and support it needs to withstand the daily pressures of biting and chewing, we may recommend a dental crown.


Candidates for a dental crown include those with:

Dental Materials

We use high quality dental porcelain, which can be matched to the shade of your teeth. In addition, the porcelain has a translucent shell, just like the teeth, giving the crowns a natural and beautiful appearance.

The Procedure

Generally, the dental crown treatment process requires two dental appointments. However, we employ the use of CEREC® technology, which allows us to craft your crowns in-office.

The treatment begins with the use of local anesthetic and cleaning the tooth to remove any infected material. Then, we will remove some tooth structure from the perimeter of the tooth to create room for the crown. Next, we will take digital impressions of your tooth using the CEREC® system, which will then mill the crown in less than an hour. When the crown is fabricated, it will be cemented onto your tooth, completing the treatment process.

To find out if a dental filling or crown is right for you, contact Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney today.