Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

Common Signs Your Dentures Need to Be Replaced

Sep 6, 2018 @ 01:24 PM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Dentures

Patients missing most or all of their teeth can take advantage of traditional or implant-supported dentures at Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney in Charlotte, NC. Using advanced treatment options and high-quality materials, we can fabricate prostheses that are comfortable and durable.

However, despite their resiliency, dentures will need to be replaced at some point. In fact, on average, custom dentures last about seven to 10 years with proper care. Here, our doctors explore common signs your dentures need to be replaced.

Loose Dentures

One of the most common complaints among denture-wearers is that the appliance becomes loose over time. This is actually normal and the result of the natural progression of underlying bone loss.

For example, when teeth are still present in the jawbone, the roots stimulate nerves to keep existing bone intact. When teeth are missing, the jawbone no longer receives this stimulation.

As a result, bone atrophy occurs over time, leading to loose, wobbly, shifting dentures. Unfortunately, this can make routine tasks, such as eating or speaking, more difficult.

Uncomfortable Dentures

When your dentures were first fabricated, they were made to fit your unique dental anatomy. New dentures fit snugly and comfortably over the gums and bone ridge. However, as the bone underneath deteriorates, the fit can change drastically, leading to discomfort.

Sores on the Gums

If you have a denture that no longer fits properly, it can slide around on the gum tissue. This constant friction can rub sore spots on the gums. Unfortunately, sores and lesions in the mouth can make you much more vulnerable to oral infections such as thrush.

Your Dentures Are Difficult to Clean

Have you recently noticed your dentures are more difficult to keep clean? This is often due to the changes in fit. For example, when your prosthesis fit snugly against the dental arch, there was little room for food particles and debris to hide.

As your bone ridge shrinks, the space between your denture and your gums grows larger. Therefore, when you remove your appliance, you may notice more debris. This is a sign that your dentures need replacing.

Sudden or Severe Pain

Dentures not only replace missing teeth, they also open the bite and keep your jaw joints in an appropriate position. Over time, as bone loss occurs, the bite can change.

As a result, pain and inflammation can occur. If you experience headaches, earaches, tinnitus, orofacial pain, or discomfort in the neck, back, or shoulders, you could have TMJ disorder. If you notice any of these symptoms, see your dentist right away for a checkup.

How to Properly Care for Your Dentures

To keep your dentures looking and feeling great, it is important to care for them properly. Patients should:

Additionally, patients should see their dentist routinely for examinations. During these visits, your doctor can evaluate the condition of your prosthesis and identify any potential problems early on.

Repairing vs. Replacing Dentures

In some cases, we may be able to repair your dentures. For example, if the artificial teeth become chipped or broken, we may be able to fix your prosthesis without having to replace the entire appliance.

However, if the denture base becomes damaged or broken, you will most likely need a replacement.

In addition, we almost always recommend replacing your denture if you have been wearing it for over 10 years.

Contact Us to Learn More

Has your denture become loose? Do you have sore spots on your gum tissue? If you are experiencing complications due to your denture, it could be time to replace it. To learn more, schedule a consultation at our practice. Contact us online or call us at (704) 543-1102.