Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

6 Truths You Need to Know About Tooth Extractions

Jul 7, 2014 @ 04:00 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Blakeney Dentists Dr George Betancourt Tooth Extraction Tooth Removal Wisdom Teeth Removal


Tooth extractions are a necessary evil when it comes to dentist. Most dentists in South Blakeney understand how frightening this process can be for the average person. There are a lot of misconceptions about tooth removal that cause people to worry excessively about the process. The following six pieces of information are vital for anybody who is going through the difficult process of tooth removal, including wisdom teeth removal.

The Process
Tooth extractions are essentially the process of removing a tooth from the socket in the bone in your jaw. Dentists will perform a variety of pain killing procedures to help make the process as painless as possible. Often, they will inject you with a pain killing element or even knock you out during the process. Dentists in south Blakeney will then try to pull the tooth out using dentistry equipment, such as pliers or cutting saws.

Why You Need One
Removing teeth is necessary when they become too damaged to remain healthy and could lead to serious health problems if left in your mouth. Leaving a heavily damaged tooth in your mouth can cause it to become infected. This infection can then spread through your gums and cause serious health concerns, such as gingivitis or rotting gums.

Reasons for Removal
There are other reasons, not related to decaying teeth, that a dentist may remove a tooth. These include:

Talk to your dentist about removing teeth if any of these situations occur.

Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common tooth extractions. Wisdom teeth are those teeth in the back of the mouth that come in during your early adult years. Often, there isn't enough room in your mouth for these teeth to grow. As a result, they must be pulled out before they cause you serious problems.

Dental Insurance Coverage
Generally speaking, most dentists in South Blakeney will accept a wide variety of health insurance providers. This helps you avoid paying for tooth removal processes from out of your own pocket. However, you must make sure that your health insurance covers dental procedures. Sometimes, health insurance providers leave off dental coverage and you must pay a little extra to receive it. Discuss this with your insurance provider before extracting teeth.

Who Performs Teeth Removal?
A dental hygienist is the person who cleans your teeth during routine visits. However, the actual, licensed dentist will oversee and perform the tooth removal process. You may not see your regular dentist during normal visits, but he will be the one removing your teeth.