Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

6 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures You Can Afford

Apr 7, 2014 @ 05:23 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentists Dental Veneers Porcelain Veneers Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic dentistry is a great way to improve your smile and help you feel better about yourself. Some new products and procedures have become very affordable through cosmetic dentists in South Charlotte and now more people can improve their oral health. Six cosmetic dentistry procedures you can afford include:

Tooth Whitening
Probably one of the more common dentistry procedures that people opt for is having a tooth whitening done. This is a simple and painless way to help brighten your smile and make your teeth look healthier. There are a number of ways this can be done at one of the offices of cosmetic dentists in South Charlotte. You can opt for a laser treatment or have a gel placed on your teeth for a short amount of time. Both whiten your teeth and both are temporary improvements.

Touch Ups
In addition to a complete, full mouth tooth whitening procedure you can have small touch up appointments scheduled. If your teeth are still generally white with the exception of a few small stains or spots you can have a touch up done. Also, if your gums receded or are pushed back and the shades dont match this is also a good option to even out your smile.

Gum Correction
If your gums have taken over some of your teeth or they are uneven you can receive a very mild anesthetic and have your gums corrected. If you are someone who shows a lot of your gums when you smile or talk then this can be a good procedure to help your smile.

Micro Abrasion Scrub
This is an affordable procedure performed in cosmetic dentistry offices. It doesnt require anesthesia and this special form of cleaning not only leaves your teeth feeling smooth and clean but you can also whiten your teeth this way.

If you have chipped or broken front teeth that make you self conscious when you smile or speak you can speak to your dentist about caps on your teeth to improve your smile. You dont have to have a major procedure done to remove an entire tooth, your dentist simply uses your own tooth to display a new cap that will match the rest of your smile.

Veneers are similar to caps but they cover just the front portion of your tooth, leaving behind your actual tooth as a whole.

Don't hesitate to give our South Charlotte cosmetic dentist office a call today to get your appointment scheduled to see Dr. Betancourt or Dr. Pinnix about all your options to help you improve your smile and confidence.