Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

Porcelain Veneers: 9 Frequently Asked Questions

Dec 2, 2013 @ 03:02 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Ballantyne Blakeney Charlotte Cosmetic Dentistry Cosmetic Dentists

With the upswing of South Charlotte NC residents inquiring about cosmetic dentistry and veneers in particular, Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney helps to address some important and frequent questions patients ask about cosmetic dental veneers to help improve their smiles.

What can veneers do for me?
Veneers are an increasingly popular method of reviving and restoring your smile. Porcelain veneers fill gaps between teeth, cover broken teeth and, are applied to whiten your smile. Whether you have one tooth needing repaired or gaps between multiple teeth; veneers are an excellent option to consider. If you have tried virtually every over the counter whitening kit with little to no results, veneers are your answer to a bright white smile.

What is a porcelain veneer?
A veneer is an ultra-thin piece of porcelain, attached to the front of your tooth using a light-sensitive bonding agent. Veneers are considered permanent once applied to your teeth.

Do I need to do anything special to care for my veneers?
Dental hygiene for veneers requires no special toothbrushes or toothpastes; care for them as you would your natural teeth. Proper dental hygiene and regular dental checkups with out South Charlotte NC cosmetic dentists will keep them in excellent condition.

What is involved in the process?
Your first step should be locating contacting our cosmetic dentists, Dr. George Betancourt or Dr. John Pinnix, who specialize in creating veneers. The initial consultation determines if you are a good candidate for veneers and allows you the opportunity to choose a color. Next, molds and impressions of your mouth are made and used to shape and size your veneers. Your dentist will remove a paper-thin layer of enamel from the front of your tooth to allow room for the veneer to fit and align correctly. The veneer is bonded to your tooth using a light-sensitive bonding adhesive, a special light is used to harden the adhesive. This entire procedure is relatively painless and can be completed in a few visits.

Are porcelain veneers for everyone?
Veneers most likely are not a good choice for you if you have advanced gum disease, extensive tooth decay or grind your teeth. Misaligned teeth may require other dental treatment; your dentist will determine this during your initial visit.

Will coffee or tea stain my veneers?
Veneers crafted of porcelain have proven to be incredibly stain resistant, retaining their original whiteness years later.

Are veneers costly?
Cosmetic dental veneers can vary in price depending on the number needed and any additional work needed for the procedure to ready the teeth. For an accurate estimate, it is best to speak with the dentist first.

Will my insurance cover veneers?
Veneers fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry with most insurance companies and may not be covered. Check with your carrier before beginning the process.

Will I need to replace my veneers in a few years?
Using proper dental hygiene, porcelain veneers can last from 10 to 30 years.

Take the first step and give our Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney office a call today!