Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

Tooth Extractions Explained by Charlotte NC Dentists

Oct 14, 2013 @ 04:00 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Ballantyne Blakeney Charlotte Charlotte Dentists Nc

Removing a tooth isn't exactly a procedure most people look forward to and a procedure Charlotte NC dentists deal with daily. Understanding what will happen during the tooth extraction process can help patients relax. After all, tensing up will only make the process less enjoyable.

Tooth Extraction Process Explained
Most Charlotte NC dentists will start removing a tooth by anesthetizing the tooth, gum, and bone. The only way to properly do this is by small injections which feels like a slight pinch in selective locations to numb the area completing in just a couple minutes.

Once the area is fully anesthetized, the dentist can begin the tooth extraction process. Rather than pulling the tooth out in one fell swoop, the dentist will gently rock the tooth in all directions to "expand the socket". The bone and ligament holding the tooth in place (otherwise known as the socket) are rather pliable. After a bit, the tooth will be loose enough to cleanly pull out.

What Tools Does the Dentist Use?
To aid in this process, the dentist will generally use two tools: a dental elevator and extraction forceps. A dental elevator is used as a wedge, which is driven down between the tooth and its socket to rock the tooth as previously described. If the dentist elects to use the extraction forceps instead, they will choose one specifically designed for the tooth in question. The forceps are used to grip the tooth and (again) rock it back and forth to loosen it.

What is the Patient's Experience?
During this process the patient will feel pressure and may hear some noises associated with ligaments or the tooth root breaking. Since Charlotte NC dentists numb the patient prior to an extraction, no pain should be felt.

What Happens After the Tooth Removal?
Once the tooth is extracted, the dentist will need to start closing the extraction site. This process can be complex depending on the reason for the extraction and may include: cleaning an infection site, removing tooth fragments, or finishing off sharp bone edges.Afterwards, the patient should feel better having the dental problem fixed over the course of a few days to a few weeks and most dentists recommend a follow up appointment, if needed to check the healing progress of the site.

Need More Information or Have a Tooth to be Extracted?
No matter the cause for the tooth extraction, patients can trust our Charlotte dentists to do the procedure correctly and with as little discomfort as possible. Give us a call today for more information or to schedule an appointment.