Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

Cosmetic Dentists In Charlotte Answer FAQ About Dental Veneers

Sep 30, 2013 @ 03:30 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Ballantyne Blakeney Charlotte Charlotte Dentists Cosmetic Dentistry

If you have been thinking about getting dental veneers, then you probably have a couple of questions about them. Below cosmetic dentists in Charlotte will answer the questions that you may have about porcelain veneers:

What Are Porcelain Veneers?
A porcelain veneer is a thin restoration that is attached permanently to the front side of the tooth. Veneers look very natural. Many people get veneers placed on each tooth, but others get a veneer attached to only one tooth.

Why Do People Get Dental Veneers?
Veneers can correct a variety of aesthetic dental problems. Many people whose teeth are mildly crooked opt to get dental veneers. Braces are probably a better option for patients who have very crooked teeth. Veneers can also correct gaps, discoloration and chips in the teeth.

Who Should Not Get Veneers?
In most cases, patients are considered good candidates for veneers. However, people who have dental problems, such as gum disease and tooth decay, will not be considered good candidates. People who have a problem with teeth grinding should not get veneers. Teeth grinding can crack the veneers. Patients who only grind their teeth at night can protect their veneers by wearing a mouth guard while they sleep. Cosmetic dentists in Charlotte perform thorough examinations in order to determine whether veneers are right for a particular patient.

How Is The Veneer Attached?
There are multiple steps involved in attaching a veneer. The first step is to drill away a small portion of the tooth enamel. The dentist will then take an impression of the teeth. A dental technician will use the impression to make the veneers. The veneers will usually be ready within two or three weeks.

Once the veneers are ready, the dentist will check the shape, shading, color and fit of them. After that, the dentist will use special cement to bond the veneers to the teeth.

How Do I Take Care Of My Veneers?
You take care of your veneers by flossing and brushing. You also need to see your dentist on a regular basis. Veneers that are properly cared for should last 10 to 15 years.