Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

Are You a Candidate for Porcelain Dental Veneers?

Aug 5, 2013 @ 03:45 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Ballantyne Blakeney Charlotte Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Veneers

Dental veneers help to restore teeth that are crowded, cracked, gapped or discolored and is considered a cosmetic dentistry service. Porcelain veneers for your teeth are sought after because they are strong and can be made to exactly match the size and color of your teeth thanks to todays advanced dental technology and the skills of cosmetic dentists in Charlotte like Dr. Betancourt and Dr. Pinnix.

Before a porcelain dental veneer is placed on a teeth, a dentist removes a very thin layer of enamel from the surface to the tooth. The tooth is measured and the results are sent to a dental lab, where the technician creates the veneer. In some dental practices, the lab is right in the dental office so the veneer can be made and then applied within a short time after the tooth is prepared. In the meantime, the patient might be fitted with a temporary veneer.

The veneer is a very thin shell of material. When its ready, it's applied and attached permanently to the tooth with a special cement that's cured by a special light. However, not all patients are candidates for dental veneers. How do Charlotte cosmetic dentists determine who is and is not a good candidate?

There are a few types of patients who wouldnt qualify for porcelain veneers. A patient is not considered a good candidate if he or she has serious gum disease or if the tooth is badly decayed and has lost a lot of enamel. Porcelain veneers for your teeth need to be able to bind to the etched enamel on the surface of the tooth. Also, patients who suffer from bruxism are also not good candidates for porcelain veneers. Bruxism is when a person grinds his or her teeth. This usually happens at night. However, a patient can wear a guard at night to keep him or her from grinding his or her teeth.

A patient who has a tooth thats very badly aligned may also not be a good candidate for veneers. Placing a porcelain veneer on a badly aligned tooth can make it crack.