Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

How Our Charlotte Dentists Restore Your Smile Which Can Improve Your Life

May 6, 2013 @ 03:32 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Ballantyne Blakeney Cerec Charlotte Charlotte Dentists

Having a beautiful smile is not only attractive it is also crucial for high self-confidence and critical to good oral health. Obtaining a strong smile is possible thanks to aesthetic restorations and cosmetic dentistry services. The following are some methods used by our Charlotte dentists, Dr. Betancourt and Dr. Pinnix, when restoring smiles from dull and unattractive to one that individuals will want to show off:

Aesthetic Dental Bridges
Individuals often become very self-conscience when they are missing teeth. Thankfully, an aesthetic bridge is an easy and painless way to take care of this problem and make them want to smile again. An aesthetic bridge contains man-made teeth used to replace one or more missing teeth. The bridges are custom-made for each patient to ensure a comfortable fit and an authentic look and feel. The prosthetic teeth are made of high-quality dental porcelain made to look like real tooth enamel.

Porcelain Crowns (One Visit CEREC Crowns)
When individuals have worn, decayed or cracked teeth, an all-porcelain crown is used to restore their smile. The crown covers the damage and provides the patient with fully functioning and healthy teeth. The porcelain creates a natural look that will last for several years. Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney, our well known South Charlotte cosmetic dentist office, is now able to provide you with crowns in one visit with the use of our dental technology, CEREC. Click here for more information!

Tooth-Colored Fillings
When cavities are an issue, tooth-colored composite resin is implemented to restore the tooth to optimal health. The resin bonds with the natural tooth structure restoring oral function and protecting the tooth against further damage.

Highly skilled dentists and other cosmetic dentistry professionals use the above methods to fix cracked, missing or cavity filled teeth. Individuals may find the procedures to be painless and made to last for several years ensuring an aesthetically pleasing look by restoring smiles. If you are worried about a procedure, talk with us about our sedation dentistry solutions to ease your dental fears!