Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

Sedation Guarantees Stress Free Dentist Visits

Mar 18, 2013 @ 03:03 AM — by Dr. Pinnix
Tagged with: Blakeney Charlotte Dental Anxiety Nc North Carolina

Men and women who are seeking stress free dentist visits should choose a Charlotte dentist who specializes in sedation dentistry, like that of Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney located in South Charlotte.

Sedation dentistry enables the patient to feel calm and relaxed while undergoing necessary dental treatments thanks to the controlled use of medication administered by the dentist helping to place the patient into a relaxed state. Many individuals who have avoided the dentist for years and are risking their overall health by not attending to ongoing problems with their teeth can now be assured of stress free dentist visits when they under the care of a Charlotte dentist who uses sedation as a safe way to make the patient feel more comfortable and relaxed.

It's estimated that at least one out of every ten people has some phoebia about going to the dentist, usually due to very unpleasant or painful experiences in the past. Sedation makes it possible for an individual of any age to experience dental treatment without anxiety, fear or extreme nervousness.

One of the many benefits to using sedation dentistry is that the patient feels very comfortable being in the dentist's chair, is able to cooperate fully with the dentist in opening their mouths wide enough for the dentist to do his job, and helps to minimize the nervous movements and reactions that can adversely affect proper dental treatment. Patients under sedation also can better control their gag reflex and not interfere with the ongoing procedure by feeling as they are going to choke or throw up at any moment. Most patients have little or no memory of the treatment they receive while under sedation, so they no longer associate a dental visit with pain, fear or any unpleasant memories.

Patients who receive dental treatment while under sedation can withstand more work being done during one visit rather than having to visit several times to accomplish the treatment necessary, which saves the patient both time and money. And best of all, the use of sedation makes every visit to a Charlotte dentist a pleasant and non-threatening experience which benefits the patient's overall dental health.