Dr. John M. Pinnix IV and Dr. George A. Betancourt perform state-of-the-art dental implant surgery and restoration at their Charlotte, NC, practice. The timeline of treatment depends primarily on whether you require any preparatory treatments, and the type of implant you receive. We place and restore implants at our office, and provide sedation options to help you remain comfortable every step of the way. At Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney, your dentist will carefully plan your procedure to ensure your comfort and long-lasting results. After placing the implants, he will attach a beautiful, functional, and custom-designed restoration.

dental implant surgery
In general, implant surgery begins with a consultation, and ends with the placement of a custom restoration.

Planning Your Surgery

Dr. Pinnix or Dr. Betancourt will conduct a complete consultation before your implant surgery. Your dentist will evaluate your overall oral and physical health to determine whether you are a candidate for implants. If you have a gum disease, an autoimmune disease, or a bleeding disorder, it may limit your eligibility for treatment. Additionally, your dentist will consider the health and strength of your jawbone. Dental implants require a significant amount of support from the surrounding tissue. Therefore, if you have suffered jaw recession, you may need a bone graft before you can receive implants. This can delay your implant placement surgery by about three months. In other cases, we may recommend a different type of implants. For example, with All-on-4® implants, you may not need bone grafting.

Both of our doctors have advanced training in sedation dentistry. Therefore, you will remain safe and relaxed throughout your surgery.

Your dentist will take x-rays to evaluate your jaw structure and recommend the right implants. With this information, he can also determine the best placement areas for the implants.  

Placing the Implants

On the day of the surgery, your dentist will administer sedation, along with local anesthesia. We offer several different options, including nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. Both of our doctors have advanced training in sleep dentistry. Therefore, you will remain safe and relaxed throughout your surgery.

To place the implants, your dentist will create tiny incisions in your gums. Then he will create pilot holes in your jawbone, into which he will insert the implant posts. Finally, he will place tiny sutures (usually dissolvable) to close the incisions. 

Attaching Your Restoration

If you are receiving All-on-4® implants, they will probably be able to support a denture right away. However, traditional implants will require a healing period of four to six months before they can support a restoration.

In the months following surgery, your jawbone will heal, fusing to the implants. In this way, they will replace your tooth roots and become permanently anchored in your jaw. During this healing period, we can provide a temporary removable restoration. When you have made a full recovery, Dr. Pinnix or Dr. Betancourt will attach your restoration to the implants. All of our crowns, bridges, and dentures are custom-designed and made from high-quality materials. 

Begin Planning Your Implants Surgery

During a consultation, we can determine if implants are for you, which type of implants will benefit you the most, and the timeline you can expect on your way to a rehabilitated smile. To schedule your consultation, please contact us today.

Dr. Pinnix and Dr. Betancourt

Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney

At Advanced Dentistry of Blakeney, our goal is to enhance your quality of life through dentistry. Dr. John M. Pinnix IV and Dr. George A. Betancourt are proud to be associated with a range of prestigious organizations, including:

  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Academy of General Dentistry
  • American Society of Anesthesiologists
  • International College of Oral Implantologists
  • Spear Study Club
  • Charlotte Dental Society
  • Invisalign® Certified Provider

For more information about our services, contact our Charlotte office online or call (704) 543-1102.

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